The 2006 Orctoberfest and Halloween Party
October 28, 2006
The Castle. The table is decorated with "Orcish"
games and prizes. |
The Castle...oooh...scary. |
Orc bowling, Roll-the-Bones, and prizes.
(covered with Orc snot) |
The snack bar. Double...oooh...scary! |
Captain Buddah, the happy pirate! |
Red Skull (Nathan Bryson) and Pirate-Witch Doctor (Marc Romine). "I don't associate with
Witch Doctors" says Red. |
Blanton Hamilton pickin' and grinnin'. Actually he's kinda
givin' the "go-away" look. |
Link (from L-o-Zelda) and Captain Jamie. "You sure your last name isn't Pan?"
asks the Captain. "I met someone like
you before...but his last name was Pan!" (Ryan Taliaferro and Jamie Weatherspoon). |
Matthew Romine with his handmade "V" mask. Notice
that Matt is wearing his "Zen Clout"
mask as well. (Mask on mask...that's a devoted,
hard-core Orctoberfester!) |
Ryan judging a Zen Clout game. |
Riptide Roger trying to confuse the players
in a Zen Clout game. (Rotten, evil pirate!) |
Justin contemplates his throw in Zen Clout.
(Hey Justin...your opponent is at the other
table!) |
Zen Clout winners Alex Kopischke, and Blanton Hamilton. "I took Alex's chips when he had his
mask on" smiles Blanton. |
The costume contest. Actually, we didn't have a costume contest. We just
told these guys we were having a contest. Man...were they surprised! |
Costume contest winner Alex Kopischke modeling his Tetris block.
The left side of the block has room for Alex's
microwave, gas grill, refrigerator, and XBox
360. |
These boots are made for walking (or something
like that). Ryan made us take a picture of
his boots. He's proud of these boots! Ryan
is weird. (...but we still like him). |
Mmm...the ribs are done! Anyone want some
barbeque? |
Link's shield. Masterfully rendered by Ryan (The Godfather)
Taliaferro. |
D&D minatures Blood War Pre-release winners. Jeremy Roberts,
Markus Brown. Mark Morton Jr., and Matthew
R. |
CLOUT Fantasy Rally winners. Allen, Blanton, Hendo, Kiefer, Matt, Jordan,
and Ben. |
The "All-seeing, all-knowing" Madame
Laurie was on hand to do Tarot readings.
(Laurie Aldinger-Mayo) |
Do you dare challenge the Pumpkin King? |
The Pumpkin King event was the brainchild of Cintra and Jeff Bristol.
The Pumpkin King turned out to be that big,
nasty Red Dragon on the table! (
I smell S'mores?) |
Mark Morton Jr. (standing) watches the "Pumpkin
King" event.
"I smell S'mores! Does anyone else smell
S'mores?"...oh, that's your paladin? |
Captains Jamie and Roger. "Roger, weren't thar bein' more pirates
at the last 'fest?"
"Aye, that there was Cap'n Jamie! But
we sent all them lubbers to Cap'n D's and
not be see'n 'em since." |
Rippin' open packs for the Naruto Curse of
Sand release event tournament. |
Naruto Curse of Sand winners. Nick Rathjen on left (2nd place),
and William Ray Jr. (1st place). |